Trench Drain Supply - 5621 Raby Road - Norfolk, VA 23502
http://www.trenchdrainsupply.com - Sales 877-903-7246 Ext 1

Q: What is "Email a Quote"?
A: Our "Email a Quote" option on checkout allows a customer who is
looking at a trench drain to quote themselves. There is no obligation to
Email a Quote, and we do not require any payment information. Contact
with us can then be made if there are any questions, or if a contractor
discount is needed. It is an excellent way to have on hand the quote
needed while the purchasing decision is still pending. The quote has
"25xxxxx" quote number at the top and this number can be referenced
throughout the buying process. One the purchasing decision is made, go
to our
Direct Payment page and pay using any
major credit card, or call us for payment.
Q: When I order a complete trench drain kit, What comes with it?
A: Trench Drain Supply Kits are shipped complete and ready for
installation. They include numbered channels, grates, solid end caps,
outlet end cap, bottom outlet, and grate locks. The exact end cap
assortment locks vary from type to type, so check the description. The
only other option needed are installation brackets.
Q: What are installation brackets? Are installation brackets
necessary and do I need them?
A: Installation brackets suspend the trench drain for installation. The
brackets go at each end, and under every joint between sections, and
allow rebar to be run vertically. This allows the rebar to be driven
into the ground to suspend the trench drain and allow for concrete to
flow around the trench drain when poured. Installation brackets allow
for a significantly easier install, however we find that experienced
concrete contractors may use the concrete pier installation method and
save on the cost of the brackets. We highly recommend brackets, but they
are not required.
Q: I am wondering if this product is the right one for what I
A: We understand that our wide variety of trench drains can lead to
analysis paralysis. Please check out our
Buyers Guide for help.
Many factors go into the decision for trench drain. Our professional
sales staff would be happy to go over your requirements and provide you
with a no obligation custom quote for your job. Please
contact us.
Q: I have a plan and would like to email to you for pricing. Is
that possible?
A: Yes. We can review your plan and provide a price. Please email to our
Contact. Please be sure to give us a general
idea of the scope of the job, and any specified trench drain
requirements. Also, please make sure that the slope direction and outlet
location is specified on the plan. We can also do a plan if needed.
Q: Not aware of "1/2M". What are the dimensions in inches?
A: : 1M and 1/2M are abbreviations for one meter and one half meter.
Many trench drain manufacturers are European based and provide their
products in meters. A meter is 39.37 Inches long or a little longer than
a yard. A Half Meter is 19.67 inches long. The easiest way to figure out
how many meters are needed in a job is to take the total feet x 12 to
get total in inches and divide by 39.37 to get total number of meters.
You would ROUND DOWN to last full meter. For example a 25 foot run would
equal 300 inches divided by 39.37 to get 7.62 meters. Thus a 7 meter
order would be appropriate.
Q: What is slope?
A: Trench drain comes in flat or presloped. Every make and model comes
in flat, but not all types have a slope option. Flat (or Neutral) trench
drain means that the bottom of the trench drain channel is the same
depth on either end of the run. Water will flow to the outlet on a
natural basis. Preloped means that the bottom of the trench drain
becomes gradually deeper as the run progresses. This allows the water to
run downhill to the outlet. The way this is acheved is each channel in
the trench drain run is made differently. Each channel has a number from
1 (the most shallow) to 10 (or 25 or 30 or 40 depending on manufacturer
and style). When installed the channels are connected in order.
Q: Does my system need to be sloped?
A Flat trench drain (all neutrals) are frequently used when the
installation has a pitch. They can also be used on a flat installation
where it is better to have debris settle into the channel for cleaning
rather than going out of the outlet. Unless there is specific flow
requirements, a flat trench drain on a level grade will drain properly.
Water always seeks its lowest level.
Q: Do I have to choose individual sections for my order?
A: No. In most cases we will choose the channels most appropriate for
your installation. For flat orders, runs do not matter as they can be
connected any way needed. For sloped orders, the runs are critical. On a
single run order, we assume each run slopes to the end. On a multi run
order, we assume each run slopes to the end and that they do not
connect. Please let us know IMMEDIATELY if you need a different slope
configuration, or if the runs connect. Other slope configurations
include slope to the center, slope away from the center, Deeper than
standard, or shallower than standard. If the runs connect then a drawing
may be needed. Please contact us.
Q: What is a load rating?
A: There are two main grate definitions in the trench drain industry to
help specifiers select the appropriate grate. The load raing is the
amount of weight a grate can take. The DIN 19580 Standard is designed to
meet the following loading Classifications in a static condition
Load class A 3,372 Lbs per foot (15 kn). For pedestrian foot traffic
Load class B 28,100 Lbs per foot (125 kn). Light Pneumatic Tire traffic
Load class C 56,200 Lbs per foot (250 kn). Commercial Applications.
Load class D 89,920 Lbs per foot (400 kn). Pneumatic forklift traffic -
H20 Load Rated.
Load class E 134,800 Lbs per foot (600 kn). Solid Tire Traffic patterns.
Solid tire Forklifts.
Load class F 202,320 Lbs per foot (900 kn). For Airport Traffic.
Q: What are the AASHTO Transportation Classifications
A: The American Association of State Highway and Transportation
Officials (AASHTO) "Standard Specification for Highway Bridges" defines
H20 loading as tow axle truck with a maximum dual-wheel load of 16,000
HS-20 loading is defined as a tractor truck with a tandem axle
semi-trailer with a dual-wheel load of 16,000 pounds.
Q: I neeed H20 loading. We will be driving front end loaders
over it and large forktrucks. Is this correct?
A: It depends. If the forklifts have pneumatic tires then H20 (or D
Class) grates would be acceptable. If the forklifts have solid tires,
then a Class E Grate is appropriate. In most cases we would recommend
choosing the class E. The difference in price is not that great and we
always advise to go with the highest class a budget would allow. The
occasional extra heavy vehicle or wheels will do damage to an under
classed trench drain grate.
Q: I am trying to determine what grating and capacity of drain I
need. Primarily forklift traffic with 5,000 lb rated lifts and foot
A: It is less about the weight of the forklifts but the type of tires
involved. Solid tire forklifts require E Class, while pnuematic require
D Class. The capacity of the drain is not related to load class,
however, the wider the trench drain the heavier the grates have to be to
accommodate the load class and the greater the cost.
Q: What is Safe live load?
A: The maximum safe live load is calculated by dividing the load at
failure by two.
Q: I'm looking for trench drain that is ADA compliant. What do I
A: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) stipulates that the slot
width be limited to 1/2" or less on gratings and walkways and
elongated slots must be placed longitudinally so they are
perpendicular to the dominant direction of travel. ADA compliance is
all about the grating needed for a trench drain.
Q: What is Heelproof? Do I need it?
A: Heelproof is defined as slots or perforations that are less than 1/4"
in width or diameter. All Heelproof grates are ADA compliant, but not
all ADA Compliant trench drain grates are heelproof. Normally heelproof
grate are perforated (round holes set in a pattern). Heel proof grates
are needed in front of exterior doors. They are also required in any
public building that has foot traffic. Since the holes are small, they
do not have the ability to drain large amounts of water. This factor
should be taken into consideration.
Q: Do I have to install in Concrete? / How much Concrete is
required around the Drain? / Can I install in asphalt or pavers?
A: Proper trench drain installation requires it to be installed in
concrete. A minimum of 4 inches around the entire trench drain is
required. More than 4 inches is required to achieve greater load
ratings. Please see manufacturers installation guide. Installing in any
other material without concrete is not advised, and can lead to failure
of the trench drain to hold the loads, or cause the trench drain to
Q: Can I cut channels to size?
A: Although most trench drain channels and grates can be cut in the
field, we do not recommend cutting if it can be avoided. Most
manufacturers provide a half channel and this should be the smallest
piece in the run. One reason we do not recommend cutting is if cut
smaller than a half channel, the grates may not be able to be secured in
the channel by locks. Also the smaller pieces are hard to align properly
when pouring and are much more subject to breakage. We recommend a
shorter run and centering the run with concrete on each side. It gives a
better look.
Q: What size opening do I need to cut in the drive to accept
this drain system?
A: A minimum of 4 inches on each side is needed to allow for proper
concrete installation. So for a 4 inch trench drain, a 12 inch cut will
be needed for installation.
Q: can I cut a drain trench out of the blacktop where it meets
the concrete put this drain system in and backfill with gravel/crushed
rock or does it need to be cemented in?
A: A cut can be made in the blacktop, but the trench drain must be
cemented in for proper installation.
Q: Do the channel joints need to be sealed?
A: No. once the concrete is poured, the concrete itself acts as as the
sealer. The joints can act to help with expansion and contraction, but
they should NOT be used as an expansion joint. Please see manufacurers
instructions as to proper use of expansion joints in an installation. In
some applications, sealing may be desired. In that case, joints can be
sealed with silicone caulk.
Q: How do you secure the grate down? / Do they interlock with
each other? / Give me some idea how you install these grates?
A: Almost all trench drain grates can be locked down. This prevents the
grates from dislodging when vehicles or foot traffic is going over the
grates. The most common grate lockdown method is a lockbar that spans
the channel. This bar fits in grooves in the channel. The grate is then
bolted down through a hole in the grate with a bolt provided with the
lock. Larger cast grates are normally bolted down on all 4 corners.
Manufacturers have come up with many patented different methods to
lockdown a grate. Names such as Starfix, Profix, Clipfix, Quicklock are
all different methods to lock a grate. Thus, if one is trying to replace
a grate in an existing system, making sure the correct manufacturers
grate is used with the right lock is critical.
Q:How does the unit actually drain? / Can the bottom outlet be
placed anywhere in the unit to allow for drainage (ideally allowing the
placement to be directly above where the drainage system in the floor
A: In some makes and models, a bottom outlet can be placed on any
channel number. On other styles, bottom outlet cutouts can only be found
on channels periodically down a run (such as on the 5, 10, 15 channel
numbers). The bottom outlet can be placed over the drain but you would
need this to be the lowest point in the run for proper drainage. If this
drain was in the middle you would need a drain that "slopes to center".
This does not necessarily mean the drain has to be exactly in the
center, it just means that the trench slopes up from the drain on the
right and left. For example, if one has a 20 foot run and the drain is
five feet from the end, the trench drain will slope down 15 feet on one
side and slope down five feet on the other to meet at the drain. Please
contact us and we can provide a drawing outlining the channel numbers
Q: I'm actually curious about the end cap (the blocked off end),
not the outlet. Are those available for all sections (1, 2, 3, etc.)?
A: Most trench drain systems come with universal end caps. These end
caps are made with precut perforations at each section number height.
This allows them to be used on any channel number. The excess is snapped
or trimmed off at the correct height.
Q: Hi there I ordered 4" glass fiber polyester trench drain
kits, do you have generic installation instructions you could send me?
A: Yes we have manufacturers installation insructions for each system as
well as generic installation instructions. Please contact us and we will
be happy to provide.
Q: Will the grates rust?
A: All grates made from iron rust over time. These include galvanized
steel and ductile iron or gray iron. Stainless steel trench drain grates
do not rust but are much more expensive, and plastic or nylon grates
obviously do not rust. For galvanized steel grates, the galvanizing
process hinders rust for quite a bit of time. Galvanized grates can go
years before rust becomes apparent. Although they have the potential to
rust in the future galvanized grates usually have the best initial
Ductile iron grates and gray iron grates on most all standard trench
drain systems are painted. This paint hinders the rust process, and most
grates look great for years. Over time and use, the paint is worn off
and rust does appear. The advantage with this type of grate is that it
can be repainted and maintained for years of quality service.
Q: I am looking at cast iron (raw) grates, Will they rust?
A: This type of grate is supposed to rust to a nice chocolate brown
Our vendor Iron Age provides an excellent description of this process...
“Rust” the Oxidation of Cast Iron Metal
Cast Iron goes through a process of oxidation, more commonly known as
“rust”. Most metals, with the exception of gold, go through some form of
oxidation. This oxidation process creates a tightly adhering iron oxide
coating known as the Passivation Layer. The Passivation Layer actually
protects the bulk iron from further oxidation. In other words, once the
Passivation Layer is created the oxidation slows dramatically and the
iron remains intact for a very long time.
On the whole Iron metal is relatively unaffected by pure water or by dry
Oxidation as a Patina
This Passivation layer is often referred to as a Patina. Many metals
create a Patina, the green patina that forms naturally on copper and
bronze is known as verdigris and consists of copper carbonate. Think of
the Statue of Liberty’s green color. The patina on cast iron is more
chocolate brown in color.
The Passivation or Patina Evolution
The oxidation process begins on contact with water and goes though an
evolution of Passivation or Patination. First the iron turns bright
orange for a few months then slowly will turn chocolate brown in color.
Over time, perhaps a year depending upon the environment, they will look
like every other cast iron manhole cover or drain grate that you see in
the street.
When traffic wears on iron the finish can take on a burnished look,
think of manhole covers you see in high traffic areas. Unlike steel the
Cast Iron will not flake away. The navy has made ship anchors out of
cast iron, which can last for decades in a raw state. Most of the
casting you see in the street such as manhole covers are made of cast
iron and are very durable.
Q: How long will it take from placing an order until delivery?
A: We stock a large majority of the main trench drain manufactures in
our warehouse. We stock all products that are marked bestseller. If is
is a standard product or bestseller, we normally ship the sale or next
day. We ship the majority from Virginia, but we do have warehouses
around the country. In general, shipping time is 1 to 2 business days or
less east of the Mississippi River and 3 to 5 business days west of the
Mississippi River.
Q: I live in Oakland CA, do you have any local distributors? /
Do you have any suppliers in or near Washington, DC?
A: We do not have local distributors, but we can ship from warehouses
around the country. If you have special requirements for delivery speed,
please let us know. Our normal delivery times are the best in the
industry, but we may be able to make even faster accommodations if
Q: Is shipping included or how much is shipping to Roseburg,
Oregon, and is the pricing on your website the correct pricing?
A: We do charge for shipping. Our Cart provides an estimate for shipping
that will be the actual amount charged. We understand that the big thing
today is to offer free shipping. Why do we charge shipping? In order for
us to offer the absolute best prices, we have determined that we need to
add a shipping charge. This makes it fair to our customers who order a
small amount and to the customers who need to order a large amount. Due
to the weight and size of trench drain, shipping charges are a factor in
total price and should not be hidden. We have made every attempt to get
these charges to accurately reflect actual charges.
Q: What would be a contractor price I am a licensed plumber in
A: We do offer a contractor trench drain discount program. Please check
out our
Contractors Page and fill out the
information. A discount code for orders will then be provided. For
faster service, please contact us and we will get the appropriate
information to provide a contractor price. If products are already in
the cart, use "email a quote" and checkout. Then contact us and we can
apply the discount to that quote.
Q: Need to know your process for using a tax exemption number.
A: Our main warehouse is in Virginia. All Virginia sales are taxable
unless an ST-10 Virginia Tax Exempt Certificate is provided. In
addition, if we ship from one of our other warehouses, a tax exempt form
may be needed. We will email if this is the case. If you are tax exempt,
and have a certificate, we will always accept it and put on file for the
current and future orders.