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Product ID R-3402
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3402 Combination Inlets Without Curb Box

12" x 12" Dia. Grate and Gutter Inlet Frame

Product ID R-3402-E
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3402-E Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
24" x 24" Dia. Grate and Gutter Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3403
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3403 Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
16 3/4" x 22 1/4" Dia. Grate and Gutter Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3403-A1
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3403-A1 Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
23 3/4" x 26 1/8" Dia. Grate and Gutter Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3403-F
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3403-F Combination Inlets Without Curb Box

35 7/8" x 27 7/8" Dia. Grate and Gutter Inlet Frame

Product ID R-3404
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3404 Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
21 1/2" x 21 1/2" Dia. Grate and Gutter Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3405
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3405 Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
23 5/8" x 23 5/8" Dia. Grate and Gutter Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3405-A
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3405-A Combination Inlets Without Curb Box

23 7/8" x 23 7/8" Dia. Grate and Gutter Inlet Frame -
Type "L" Grate Available

Product ID R-3405-B
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3405-B Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
23 7/8" x 23 7/8" Dia. Grate and Gutter Inlet Frame -
Type "L" Grate Available and Base Flange on 3 sides only
Product ID R-3405-D3
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3405-D3 Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
29 3/4" x 29 3/4" Dia. Grated and Gutter Inlet Frame -
Base Flange on 3 sides only
Product ID R-3405-D4
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3405-D4 Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
29 3/4" x 29 3/4" Dia. Grate and Gutter Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3406
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3406 Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
22 1/2" x 36 3/8" Dia. Grate and Single Gutter Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3406-2
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3406-2 Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
22 1/2" x 36 3/8" Dia. Grate and Double Gutter Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3408-AL
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3408-AL Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
14 1/2" x 29 1/2" Dia. Grate and Double Gutter Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3408-BL
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3408-BL Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
14 1/2" x 29 1/2" Dia. Grate and Double Gutter Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3415
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3415 Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
22 5/8" x 28 3/8" Dia. 2-Piece Grate and Long Gutter
Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3416
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3416 Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
23 1/2" x 35 1/2" Dia. Grate and Long Gutter Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3418
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3418

Product ID R-3418-2
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3418-2

Product ID R-3420
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3420 Combination Inlets Without Curb Box

48" x 12" Dia. Grate and Track and Bridge Drain Frame

Product ID R-3423
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3423 Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
11 1/4" x 48" Dia. Grate and Track and Bridge Drain Frame
Product ID R-3425-A
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3425-A Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
16 7/8" x 19" Dia. 2-Piece Grate and Single Flange Gutter
Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3425-B
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3425-B Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
16 7/8" x 19" Dia. 2-Piece Grate and Double Flange Gutter
Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3429-A
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3429-A Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
18" x 18" Dia. Square Grate and Gutter Inlet Frame
With 30" Dia. Round Base Flange Available
Product ID R-3430
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3430 Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
20" x 20" Dia. Square Grate and Gutter Inlet Frame
With 36" Dia. Round Base Flange Available
Product ID R-3437
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3437 Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
17 7/8" x 36" Dia. Square 2-Piece Grate and Gutter
Inlet Frame - Type "Q" Grate Available
Product ID R-3438-A
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3438-A  Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
25" x 50" Dia. 2-Piece Grate and Square Gutter Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3448-B
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3448-B  Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
17 3/4" x 22 3/4" Dia. Grate and Rectangular Gutter Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3448-C
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3448-C  Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
17 3/4" x 22 3/4" Dia. Grate and Rectangular Gutter Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3448-D
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3448-D  Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
17 3/4" x 22 3/4" Dia. Type "S" Grate and Rectangular
Gutter Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3454
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3454  Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
22 5/8" x 28 3/8" Dia. 2-Piece Grate and Rectangular
Gutter Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3454-B
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3454-B  Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
23 3/4" x 35 7/8" Dia. Grate and Rectangular Gutter
Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3454-BL
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3454-BL Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
23 7/8" x 35 3/4" Dia. Type "L" Grate and Rectangular
Gutter Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3454-C
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3454-C  Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
23 7/8" x 35 3/4" Dia. Grate and Rectangular Gutter Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3455-A
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3455-A  Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
23 1/2" x 35 1/2" Dia. Grate and Rectangular Gutter Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3455-C
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3455-C  Combination Inlets Without Curb Box

24" x 36" Dia. Grate and Rectangular Gutter Inlet Frame

Product ID R-3460-A
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3460-A Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
14 1/2" x 21 1/2" Dia. Grate and Special Gutter Inlet Frame -
5 1/2" Height
Product ID R-3460-D
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3460-D Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
14 1/2" x 21 1/2" Dia. Grate and Special Gutter Inlet Frame -
10 1/2" Height
Product ID R-3462-B
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3462-B Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
16 3/8" x 29 1/2" Dia. Grate and Single Gutter Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3465
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3465 Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
14 1/2" x 21 1/2" Dia. Grate and Gutter Inlet Frame -
1 1/2" Manhole
Product ID R-3470
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3470 Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
24" x 26 5/8" Dia. Grate and Gutter Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3470-2
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3470-2 Combination Inlets Without Curb Box

24" x 26 5/8" Dia. Grate and Double Gutter Inlet Frame

Product ID R-3471
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3471 Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
10 1/2" x 24" Dia. Grate and Narrow Gutter Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3473
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3473 Combination Inlets Without Curb Box
16" x 21 1/2" Dia. Grate and Gutter Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3475
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3475 Airport Castings: Inlets

23 1/2' x 35 1/2" Dia. Deep Vertical Bar Grate and
Airport Drainage Inlet Frame - Gray Iron Grate and Frame -
Available With Type "C" Solid Cover

Product ID R-3475-A
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3475-A Airport Castings: Inlets

23 1/2" x 35 1/2" Dia. Deep Vertical Bar Grate and
Airport Drainage Inlet Frame - Gray Iron Grate and Frame

Product ID R-3475-E
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3475-E Airport Castings: Inlets
23 3/4" x 35" Dia. Single Ductile Iron Grate and
Airport Drainage Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3475-F
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3475-F Airport Castings: Inlets

23 3/4" x 35" Dia. Double Ductile Iron 2-Piece Grate and
Airport Drainage Inlet Frame

Product ID R-3475-H
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3475-H Airport Castings: Inlets
40 3/4" x 99 1/2" Dia. Ductile Iron 4-Piece Grate and
Airport Drainage Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3477-A
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3477-A Airport Castings: Inlets

21 3/8" x 31 1/8" Dia. Gray Iron 2-Piece Grate and
Airport Drainage Inlet Frame

Product ID R-3480
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3480 Airport Castings: Inlets

24 7/8" x 26 5/8" Dia. Gray Iron 2-Piece Grate and
Airport Drainage Inlet Frame

Product ID R-3480-A
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3480-A Airport Castings: Inlets
24 7/8" x 26 5/8" Dia. Gray Iron Grate and
Airport Drainage Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3481
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3481 Airport Castings: Inlets
18"x 36" Dia. Ductile Iron 2-Piece Grate and Airport Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3485-B
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3485-B Airport Castings: Control Box, Inspection & Fuel Valve

22" Dia. Gray Iron Grated Lid and Airport Frame

Product ID R-3486
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3486 Airport Castings: Control Box, Inspection & Fuel Valve

7 3/4" x 7 3/4" Dia. Gray Iron Solid Lid and Airport Tie-Down Frame

Product ID R-3488
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3488 Airport Castings: Control Box, Inspection & Fuel Valve

11" Dia. Ductile Iron Solid Lid and Airport Control Box Frame

Product ID R-3490
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3490 Airport Castings: Mooring Eyes

3 1/2" Height Gray Iron Airport Mooring Eye

Product ID 5996
Manufacturer EJ (formerly East Jordan)
EJ Co 5996: Mooring Eyes

6" Height Gray Iron Airport Mooring Eye 

Product ID R-3490-A
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3490-A Airport Castings: Mooring Eyes

6" Height Gray Iron Airport Mooring Eye With 5/8" NC
threaded base

Product ID R-3490-B
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3490-B Airport Castings: Mooring Eyes

9" Height Gray Iron Airport Mooring Eye

Product ID R-3491-AG
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3491-AG Airport Castings: Manhole Frames and Grates

21" Dia. Gray Iron Grate and Airport Catch Basin Frame

Product ID R-3491-AL
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3491-AL Airport Castings: Manhole Frames and Grates
21" Dia. Ductile Iron Solid Lid and Airport Catch Basin Frame
Product ID R-3491-GG
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3491-GG Airport Castings: Manhole Frames and Grates

21" Dia. Gray Iron Grate and Airport Catch Basin Frame

Product ID R-3491-GL
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3491-GL Airport Castings: Manhole Frames and Grates
21" Dia. Gray Iron Solid Lid and Airport Catch Basin Frame
Product ID R-3491-HG
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3491-HG Airport Castings: Manhole Frames and Grates
29" Dia. Ductile Iron Grate and Airport Catch Basin Frame
Product ID R-3491-HL
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3491-HL Airport Castings: Manhole Frames and Grates
29" Dia. Ductile Iron Solid Lid and Airport Catch Basin Frame
Product ID R-3491-JG
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3491-JG Airport Castings: Manhole Frames and Grates
32 3/8" Dia. Ductile Iron Grate and Airport Catch Basin Frame
Product ID R-3491-JL
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3491-JL Airport Castings: Manhole Frames and Grates
32 3/8" Dia. Ductile Iron Solid Lid and Airport Catch Basin Frame
Product ID R-3492
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3492 Airport Castings: Manhole Frames and Grates

27" Dia. Gray Iron Manhole Solid Lid and Airport Frame

Product ID R-3492-1
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3492-1 Airport Castings: Manhole Frames and Grates

27" Dia. Gray Iron Manhole Grate and Airport Frame

Product ID R-3492-A
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3492-A Airport Castings: Manhole Frames and Grates

32 3/8" Dia. Ductile Iron Manhole Solid Lid and Airport Frame

Product ID R-3492-A1
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3492-A1 Airport Castings: Manhole Frames and Grates
32 3/8" Dia. Ductile Iron Manhole Grate and Airport Frame
Product ID R-3492-B
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3492-B Airport Castings: Manhole Frames and Grates
38" Dia. Gray Iron Manhole Solid Lid and Airport Frame -
4 1/2" Height
Product ID R-3492-BG
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3492-BG Airport Castings: Manhole Frames and Grates
38" Dia. Ductile Iron Manhole Grate and Airport Frame -
4 1/2" Height
Product ID R-3492-CG
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3492-CG Airport Castings: Manhole Frames and Grates
38" Dia. Ductile Iron Manhole Grate and Airport Frame -
10" Height
Product ID R-3493-C
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3493-C Airport Castings: Manhole Frames and Grates
23 5/8" Dia. Ductile Iron Manhole Solid Lid and Airport Frame -
10" Height
Product ID R-3494
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3494 Airport Castings: Manhole Frames and Grates
18 3/8" x 28 7/8" Dia. Ductile Iron 4-Piece Solid Lid and Airport Hinged Frame
Product ID R-3495
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3495 Airport Castings: Manhole Frames and Grates

21 1/2" x 21 1/2" Dia. Ductile Iron Manhole Bolted/Gasketed
Sealed Solid Lid and Airport Frame

Product ID R-3497-A
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3497-A Airport Castings: Manhole Frames and Grates
19 1/2" x 31 1/2" Dia. Gray Iron Manhole Solid Lid and Airport
Product ID R-3498-J3S
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3498-J3S Airport Castings: Manhole Frames and Grates
25 7/8" x 37 7/8" Dia. Ductile Iron Solid Lid and Gray Iron Frame -
Spring Assist Hatch
Product ID R-3498-K2
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3498-K2 Airport Castings: Manhole Frames and Grates
25 3/4" x 25 3/4" Dia. Ductile Iron Solid Lid and Gray Iron Frame
Product ID R-3498-K2G
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3498-K2G Airport Castings: Manhole Frames and Grates
25 3/4" x 25 3/4" Dia. Ductile Iron Grate and Gray Iron Frame
Product ID R-3498-K2GS
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3498-K2GS Airport Castings: Manhole Frames and Grates
25 3/4" x 25 3/4" Dia. Ductile Iron Grate and Gray Iron Frame -
Spring Assist Hatch
Product ID R-3498-K2S
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3498-K2S Airport Castings: Manhole Frames and Grates

25 3/4" x 25 3/4" Dia. Ductile Iron Solid Lid and Gray Iron Frame -
Spring Assist Hatch

Product ID R-3498-P2GS
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3498-P2GS Airport Castings: Manhole Frames and Grates

32" x 32" Dia. Ductile Iron Grate and Gray Iron Frame -
Spring Assist Hatch

Product ID R-3498-P2S
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3498-P2S Spring Airport Castings: Manhole Frames and Grates

32" x 32" Dia. Ductile Iron Solid Lid and Gray Iron Frame -
Spring Assist Hatch 

Product ID R-3498-R2
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3498-R2 Airport Castings: Manhole Frames and Grates
38" x 38" Dia. Ductile Iron Solid Lid and Gray Iron Frame
Product ID R-3498-R2GS
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3498-R2GS Airport Castings: Manhole Frames and Grates
38" x 38" Dia. Ductile Iron Grate and Gray Iron Frame -
Spring Assist Hatch
Product ID R-3498-R3GS
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3498-R3GS Airport Castings: Manhole Frames and Grates
76 9/16" x 38 3/8" Dia. Ductile Iron 2-Piece Grate and Gray Iron 2-Piece Frame - Spring Assist Hatch
Product ID R-3498-R3S
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3498-R3S Airport Castings: Manhole Frames and Grates

76 9/16" x 38 3/8" Dia. Ductile Iron 2-Piece Solid Lid and Gray Iron 2-Piece Frame - Spring Assist Hatch

Product ID R-3499
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3499 Airport Castings: Manhole Frames and Lids
25" x 48" Dia. Ductile Iron 2-Piece Solid Lid and
Airport Utility Frame - Type "C" Grate Available
Product ID R-3501-D2A
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3501-D2A Roll and Gutter Inlets
22 3/16" x 9 1/8" Dia. Grated Inlet for Roll Type Curb
Product ID R-3501-E2
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3501-E2  Roll and Gutter Inlets
23 1/2" x 12 3/8" Dia. Grated Inlet for Roll Type Curb
Product ID R-3501-H4
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3501-H4  Roll and Gutter Inlets
29" x 20 3/16" Dia. Grated Inlet for Roll Type Curb
Product ID R-3501-HL
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3501-HL  Roll and Gutter Inlets
29" x 20 3/16" Dia. Grated Lid and Mountable Curb Frame
Product ID R-3501-L1A
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3501-L1A  Roll and Gutter Inlets
23 1/8" x 14 7/8" Dia. Grated Inlet for Roll Type Curb
Product ID R-3501-L2
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3501-L2  Roll and Gutter Inlets
26" x 23 1/2" Dia. Grated Inlet for Roll Type Curb
Product ID R-3501-M
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3501-M  Roll and Gutter Inlets
24" x 28 1/8" Dia. Grated Inlet for Roll Type Curb
Product ID R-3501-N
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3501-N  Roll and Gutter Inlets
23 1/4" x 23 1/4" Grated Inlet for Roll Type Curb
Product ID R-3501-P
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3501-P  Roll and Gutter Inlets
25 3/4" x 19" Dia. Grated Inlet for Roll Type Curb
Product ID R-3501-PL
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3501-PL  Roll and Gutter Inlets
25 3/4" x 19" Dia. Grated Inlet for Roll Type Curb - Flow Left
Product ID R-3501-PR
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3501-PR  Roll and Gutter Inlets
25 3/4" x 19" Dia. Grated Inlet for Roll Type Curb - Flow Right
Product ID R-3501-R
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3501-R  Roll and Gutter Inlets

28 5/8" x 28 5/8" Dia. Grated Inlet for Roll Type Curb

Product ID R-3501-RA
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3501-RA  Roll and Gutter Inlets
28 5/8" x 28 5/8" Dia. Grated Inlet for Roll Type Curb
With 4-Flange Frame
Product ID R-3501-TB
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3501-TB  Roll and Gutter Inlets
35 1/2" x 26 29/32" Dia. Grated Inlet for Roll Type Curb
Product ID R-3501-TL
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3501-TL  Roll and Gutter Inlets
26" x 23 1/2" Dia. Grated Inlet for Roll Type Curb - Flow Left
Product ID R-3501-TR
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3501-TR  Roll and Gutter Inlets

26" x 23 1/2" Dia. Grated Inlet for Roll Type Curb - Flow Right

Product ID R-3501-U
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3501-U  Roll and Gutter Inlets

22 1/8" x 33 29/32" Dia. Grated Inlet for Roll Type Curb -
9 3/4" Height

Product ID R-3501-U1
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3501-U1  Roll and Gutter Inlets
22 1/8" x 33 29/32" Dia. Grated Inlet for Roll Type Curb -
6" Height
Product ID R-3502-A
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3502-A  Roll and Gutter Inlets
22" Dia. Grated Inlet for Roll Type Curb With 2-Piece Frame
Product ID R-3502-D2
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3502-D2 Roll and Gutter Inlets
22" x 14" Dia. Grated Inlet for Roll Type Curb
Product ID R-3503-B
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3503-B Roll and Gutter Inlets
10 1/2" x 28 3/4" Dia. Grated Inlet for Roll Type Curb
Product ID R-3504-F
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3504-F Roll and Gutter Inlets

16 1/4' x 22 1/2" Dia. Double Grates for Driveway and
Mountable Curb and Inlet Frame

Product ID R-3506-A2
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3506-A2 Inlet Frames and Grates
19 1/4" x 19 1/4" Dia. Grate for Driveway and
Mountable Curb and Inlet Frame - 12 1/2" Height
Product ID R-3506-B
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3506-B Inlet Frames and Grates
19 1/4" x 19 1/4" Dia. Grate Lid for Driveway and
Mountable Curb and Inlet Frame - 11" Height
Product ID R-3507-C
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3507-C Inlet Frames and Grates
22" x 22" Dia. Grate for Driveway and Mountable Curb
and Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3508-B
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3508-B Inlet Frames and Grates

22 3/4" x 22 3/4" Dia.Grate for Driveway and Mountable Curb
and Inlet Frame

Product ID R-3508-B2
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3508-B2 Inlet Frames and Grates
22 1/2" x 22 1/2" Dia. Grate for Driveway and Mountable Curb
and Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3508-C
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3508-C Inlet Frames and Grates
22 3/4" x 22 3/4" Dia.Grate for Driveway and Mountable Curb
and Inlet Frame
Product ID R-3509
Manufacturer Neenah Foundry
Neenah R-3509 Inlet Frames and Grates
17" x 22" Dia. Grate for Driveway and Mountable Curb
and Inlet Frame
Filter By Keyword
Sort Order
Replacement Grates
Complete Kits
By Item (Ex Grates)
Grate Width
Needs Width
1 1/2 Inches
2 3/8 Inches
2 3/4 Inches
3 Inches
4 1/8 Inches
4.8 inches
5 Inches
5 1/8 Inches
5 1/4 Inches
5 3/8 Inches
6 Inches
7 3/4 Inches
8 Inches
8 3/4 inches
9 Inches
9 1/4 Inches
9 3/8 Inches
10 Inches
10 1/4 Inches
10 1/2 Inches
11 Inches
11 1/4 Inches
11 1/2 Inches
11 3/4 Inches
12 inches
12.8 Inches
13 Inches
13 5/16 Inches
13 3/8 Inches
14 Inches
14 1/2 Inches
15 Inches
15 1/2 Inches
16 inches
16 1/2 Inches
17 Inches
17 3/4 Inches
18 Inches
18 3/4 Inches
19 3/4 Inches
20 Inches
20 1/2 Inches
21 Inches
22 Inches
22 1/2 Inches
23 inches
23 1/4 Inches
23 11/16 Inches
23 7/8 Inches
24 Inches
25 3/4 Inches
26 Inches
27 Inches
27 1/2 Inches
28 Inches
28 5/8 Inches
30 Inches
31 3/4 Inches
33 Inches
34 Inches
36 Inches
39 Inches
45 Inches
47 3/4 Inches
50 5/8 Inches
51 Inches
52 inches and up
Grate Length
8 Inches
9 Inches
10 1/4 Inches
11 3/4 Inches
12 inches
13 3/8 Inches
14 Inches
14 1/2 Inches
15 Inches
16 Inches
17 Inches
17 3/4 Inches
18 Inches
19 1/2 Inches
19 3/4 Inches
19.67 inches (1/2M)
20 Inches
21 Inches
21 3/4 Inches
22 Inches
22 1/4 Inches
23 Inches
23 11/16 Inches
23 7/8 Inches
24 Inches
25 3/4 Inches
26 Inches
26 1/2 Inches
27 Inches
27 1/2 Inches
28 Inches
28 3/4 Inches
29 3/4 Inches
30 Inches
31 3/4 Inches
32 Inches
34 Inches
35 Inches
36 inches
37 Inches
37 3/4 Inches
39 Inches
39.37 (1M)
40 Inches
42 Inches
44 Inches
45 1/4 Inches
46 Inches
48 Inches
50 5/8 Inches
50 Inches and Up
Needs Length
Grate Depth
Needs Depth
1/4 Inch
3/8 Inch
1/2 Inch
11/16 Inches
3/4 Inch
7/8 Inch
1 inch
1 1/8 Inches
1 1/4 Inch
1 1/2 Inches
1 3/4 Inch
1 7/8 Inches
2 Inches
2 1/4 Inches
2 1/2 Inches
3 Inch
Grate Material
Galvanized Steel
Stainless Steel
Galvanized Ductile Iron
Cast / Ductile Iron
Nylon Filled
Vinyl Ester
Needs Material
Gray Iron
Grate Lock Type
Standard / No Lock
Mea Starfix
ACO Quicklock
Grate Slot Type
Slotted Standard
Slotted Wave
Slotted (ADA)
Slotted (ADA) Long
Perf (ADA) Heelproof
Solid Cover
Bar Grate
Grate Load Class
Load Class A
Load Class B
Load Class C
Load Class D
Load Class E
Load Class F
Josam Pro-Plus
Neenah Foundry
EJ (formerly East Jordan)
Stegmeier LLC
ABT Polydrain
Iron Age
More Products
Mea 1000 Grates
Mea Mearin 100
Josam Pro Plus 100
Josam Pro Plus 200
Mea EN Series All
Mea Other Series
Zurn Z880
Zurn Z884
Zurn Z886
Zurn Z882
Zurn Z874
Zurn Z888
Zurn Other
Polycast 500/600/700
Polycast Other
Hydrotec Top 100
Hydrotec Maxi 100
Hydrotec Maxi 150
Hydrotec Maxi 200
Hydrotec Maxi 300
Hydrotec Other
ACO 200
ACO 100
ACO 300
ACO H100/H200/H300
ACO Other Series
ABT Polydrain 400
ABT Other Series
East Jordan 6900
East Jordan 6950
East Jordan V5600-5700
East Jordan V7300
East Jordan V7380
East Jordan V7500
East Jordan Other
Iron Age
NDS Duraslope
NDS Mini Channel
NDS Spee-D Channel
NDS Pro Series
NDS Other
Neenah R4400-R4899
Neenah R4990
Neenah R-4999 Bolted
Neenah R-4990 Airport
Proline Shower Drain
Mifab T2000 Series
Mifab T1400 Series
Morgans Welding
Sioux Chief
Non Trench Items
Ulma D100
Ulma MultiV 100
Ulma MultiV 200
Ulma MultiV 150
Ulma USF100
Mifab T1500 Series
Kit Width
2" Wide + / -
4" Wide + / -
6" Wide + / -
8" Wide + / -
12" Wide + / -
Kit Length
03 Foot Long + / -
06 Foot Long + / -
10 Foot Long + / -
13 Foot Long + / -
16 Foot Long + / -
20 Foot Long + / -
23 Foot Long + / -
26 Foot Long + / -
30 Foot Long + / -
33 Foot Long + / -
36 Foot Long + / -
40 Foot Long + / -
43 Foot Long + / -
46 Foot Long + / -
50 Foot Long + / -
53 Foot Long + / -
56 Foot Long + / -
60 Foot Long + / -
63 Foot Long + / -
66 Foot Long + / -
70 Foot Long + / -
73 Foot Long + / -
76 Foot Long + / -
80 Foot Long + / -
83 Foot Long + / -
86 Foot Long + / -
90 Foot Long + / -
93 Foot Long + / -
96 Foot Long + / -
99 Foot Long + / -
Per Page
Price /



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